Video Blog2021-11-10T10:32:57-06:00

Video Blog

Negotiating without losing margin

April 10th, 2024|Parts, Video Blog|

What can you do to set yourself up for success? Sell the full experience! Take the time this month to decide on sales packages before Summer starts so you can promote them through your marketing! Sara explains how [...]

Determining your labor rate in 2024

March 6th, 2024|Parts, Video Blog|

Was your Service Department ever scheduled out over two weeks last year? If your answer is "yes", it's time to raise your labor rate! While balancing "Preferred customer pricing" for valued customers and updated labor rates for new [...]

Q& A: How do I determine my labor rate?

February 2nd, 2024|Parts, Video Blog|

When it comes to determining your labor rate, you must establish how much you need to pay your employees before you start to determine how much you need to bill customers hourly. Check out the video above for Bob Clements' tips for determining [...]


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