You’ve got big
decisions to make.
Let us help.

We walk alongside you and your team as
you tackle challenges unique to your
dealers and industry.

You’ve got big decisions to make. Let us help.

We walk alongside you and your team as you tackle challenges unique to your dealers and industry.

If you could wave a magic wand and solve your biggest challenge, what would it be?

Some manufacturers have been working on:

  • Creating stable dealer channels
  • Rolling out new dealer initiatives
  • Implementing plans to help their field sales team become indispensable to their dealers

What to know about our manufacturer consulting program

We only work with one
manufacturer per
industry at a time.

What you’re doing is important and unique. That’s why we’ve committed to only working with one manufacturer per industry at a time.

We ask for a commitment
of at least 12 months.

We would love to see results happen overnight, but like most things, consistency is key to change.

We will be brutally
honest with you.

If you’re looking for someone to sugar coat things, we aren’t the right fit for you.

Every manufacturer is unique, and so are your opportunities. We will help you identify the next right step.

Past projects include:

  • Developing dealer incentive programs
  • Making warranties effortless
  • Evaluating new dealers
  • Field Sales Team development
  • Setting up marketing co-op programs
  • Distribution strategies
  • Setting dealer standards
  • Growth strategies
  • Creating elite dealer programs
  • Evaluating dealer network health


Your investment depends on a number of factors such as:
number of consulting days each month, project scope, and other complexities. Packages start at $12,500/month with a minimum of a 12 month commitment.

How manufacturing consulting works:

Meet with the
Manufacturer Advisor

Simply schedule a call with the
manufacturer advisor to visit
about your opportunities and

Sign NDAs and
Meet On-Site

We find that progress is accelerated
when we meet face-to-face. That’s
why your advisor will come to you
every month!

See Growth
and Progress

Growth doesn’t happen by accident
but through consistency. As we work
through projects, our manufacturer
advisor will become an extension of
your team to push you towards