We’re Hiring a Service Manager—What Pitfalls Should We Avoid?

  Hi Sara, We’re ready to bring on a service manager for our dealership, but I keep hearing about common pitfalls. What should we not do when hiring for this role? ----------------------------------------------------- Oh, I love this question! Hiring a service manager is a big deal and can make a world of difference for your dealership — but only if you’re strategic about it. I’ve seen all kinds of moves in this area, and let me tell you, [...]

By |2024-11-06T09:24:36-06:00November 6th, 2024|Ask Sara Hey, Hiring, Service|

How can we find reliable, long-term technicians?

  Hi Sara, We’re struggling to find reliable technicians for our dealership, and when we do, it’s hit-or-miss on whether they stick around! What’s your best advice for finding skilled techs and making sure they’re the right fit? ----------------------------------------------------- Hey there! Great question — and you’re definitely not alone in feeling this way! Dealerships everywhere are facing similar challenges, and finding (and keeping) top-notch technicians is like winning the hiring lottery these days. But the [...]

By |2024-10-30T12:23:04-05:00October 30th, 2024|Ask Sara Hey, Hiring, Service|

How Can We Manage Inventory Accruing Interest?

  Hi Sara, We have some inventory sitting around that’s started accruing interest, which is eating into our profits. Do you have any strategies for managing or moving this inventory? Thanks, Mark from PowerPro Equipment ----------------------------------------------------- Hi Mark, Ah, inventory accruing interest—the ultimate dealership headache! When it comes to paying interest or making a buck, I’d say take the dollar every time (especially if you can keep getting more of that unit). You don’t want [...]

By |2024-10-17T16:02:05-05:00October 17th, 2024|Ask Sara Hey, Sales|

Make Margins Work for You (Even the Big-Box Stores Do It!)

Hi Sara, We want to increase our parts sales, but I’m not sure what we’re missing. Do you have any tips on how to drive more parts sales? Thanks, Laura from Urban Equipment & Power -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Laura, Great question! It’s awesome you’re looking to rev up those parts sales. Here’s a little trick that’s like finding loose change under the couch cushions—except it’s way better for your bottom line: your service department. They’re probably [...]

By |2024-10-10T12:50:33-05:00October 10th, 2024|Ask Sara Hey, Parts|
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