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So far admin has created 135 blog entries.

Hiring Outside of the Box

Knowing where to look for employees is one of the biggest struggles we hear from small business owners on a daily basis. It seems that the "traditional" ways are cumbersome, time consuming, and often result in high turnover, costing lots of money. I recently read an article explaining that Microsoft assumes that the best candidates are not looking for new jobs. Actually, if a candidate reaches out to them, that candidate is less desirable. I [...]

By |2016-07-14T10:04:03-05:00July 14th, 2016|Hiring, Management|

The Game of Dodgeball and What it Says about your Personality

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner The Game of Dodgeball and What it Says about your Personality I hate losing! So much so in fact, that if you were to ask my brother what it was like to play a board game with me growing up, he would roll his eyes and tell you the stories of how I was terrible of a loser. This wasn't just a pout in the corner. This was quit-in-the-middle-of-the game because there [...]

By |2016-07-06T11:23:11-05:00July 6th, 2016|Hiring, Management, Uncategorized|

The Cost of a Bad Hire

My passion is to help small businesses succeed. At BCI, it’s what makes our Monday morning meetings fun and full of life. Your success stories are the coffee in our veins on Monday mornings, and there really is coffee running through our veins too. Seriously, you should see how much coffee we go through in a day! However, I know for you to succeed you often have to get through challenges. One of the biggest [...]

By |2016-06-28T12:31:27-05:00June 28th, 2016|Hiring, Management, Uncategorized|

Keep Your Parts Department Running Smoothly

The parts department is one of the most complex parts of any dealership.  There is the constant balance between having enough inventory on hand to meet the demands of both the service department and counter customers, but not having too much inventory that just sets on a shelf tying up precious dollars. Establishing great processes in your parts department will help set up your dealership for success during season. 1. The Process of Having the [...]

By |2016-06-23T12:33:29-05:00June 23rd, 2016|Parts, Uncategorized|


In just about every retail store, you will find endcaps. An endcap is a display for a product that is placed at the end of an aisle.  Those products placed on an endcap will sell at a much faster pace than products not on the endcap.  By focusing on your endcaps, you can quickly and inexpensively improve the appearance of your retail area and increase sales. So, how do you create an endcap in your [...]

By |2016-06-15T11:22:44-05:00June 15th, 2016|Management, Uncategorized|

Using Signage to Showcase

When you think of a sign, especially an outdoor sign, the most important aspect of it is to grab your attention -- almost like a magnet pulling you forward. The more recognized the name, the more people will be attracted to your dealership. Manufacturers invest millions of dollars each year to “brand” their name into the minds of customers.  They do this so that customers will feel secure knowing that when they purchase a product, they [...]

By |2016-06-08T12:59:23-05:00June 8th, 2016|Management|

Do You Really Need To Add Another Parts Person?

Here is a riddle I would like for you to solve. What is the one thing you always think you don't have enough of, but always end up having too many? The answer? Employees at the Parts Counter! You know the drill during season. You are at the parts counter, all the phones are ringing, a service tech is burning valuable time, and you have ten people standing in line each waiting to get help [...]

By |2016-06-01T11:31:48-05:00June 1st, 2016|Hiring, Management, Parts, Uncategorized|

Do Uniforms Matter?

Did you know that clothing, or more specific, uniforms in the workplace, have a much more powerful impact than you might first think? Fair or not, people judge businesses by what they see and that includes the appearance of our employees, including the way they are dressed. We all know it’s true, customers form opinions about us based on what we and the people who work at your dealership are wearing.  We look at how [...]

By |2016-05-23T11:50:16-05:00May 23rd, 2016|Hiring, Management|

Inventory on Hand

Today, it makes no sense for a dealership to maintain a large parts inventory, or stock ten of the same item, because manufacturers have greatly improved their ability to get you the parts you need when you need them. Twenty years ago, it took almost 30 days to get a part, and now you can get a part delivered to you in one to four days. Think how that changes your approach to deciding on [...]

By |2016-04-20T11:14:06-05:00April 20th, 2016|Management, Service, Uncategorized|

Transaction Time

When I hear people talk about the parts department in dealerships, I am always amazed at how simple they believe it would be to work behind the counter. Most people think that parts people just hang out, look things up, and hand parts to customers. Nice, simple, and easy.   If you are in the parts department, you know that is not what happens. During season, there may be eight people waiting by the locked [...]

By |2016-04-12T11:48:10-05:00April 12th, 2016|Management, Service, Uncategorized|
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